
Hipsters Maturing and Surviving Circa 2012 pt 2

If you’ve listened to Circa Survive before the first thing you’ll notice on Violent Waves is they’re drawn out approach to writing this record. The album starts off with a 7:30 epic titled “Birth of the Economic Hit Man.” A social commentary you might say? Maybe, but I’m not one to dwell on song meanings and lyrics because too often there are many correct interpretations.

Hipsters Maturing and Surviving Circa 2012 pt 1

As recently as last week I heard a friend of mine arguing with a fellow craft beer drinker about why he is not and never was a hipster. We were celebrating a friends birthday at a Manhattan bar and we were obviously not in our right minds. Ales with high alcohol content and cheap shots were being consumed like it was the Aerosmith farewell tour. Every hear a of pickle-back? Me neither but at the time a shot of whiskey chased with pickle juice sounded like a grand idea...